


Frac Sand Suppply & Logistics Conference Nov- 16th -18th

Home News Updates Frac Sand Suppply & Logistics Conference Nov- 16th -18th


The 11th Annual Frac Sand Supply & Logistics Conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort in San Antonio, Texas. The resurgence and evolution of the frac sand industry continues to uncover challenges and opportunities throughout the supply chain. What are the latest trends in logistics, storage, and mining? Are in-basin mines going to continue to pick up market share? With higher oil prices, do operators return to some northern white sand? Will sand supply constraints continue? Are mobile mines going to make a big impact? What is the outlook for trucking?

Building on the success of previous events, this conference is organized to help bring together the sand suppliers, E&P companies, well servicers, truckers, barges, terminal developers, storage providers, equipment suppliers, capital markets, and those who provide technology solutions to help develop a more efficient supply chain.

This event will include Pre-Conference Seminars and roundtable discussions on topics of interest to add to our superb lineup of speakers. Visit the Petroleum Connection for more information.